Kim Sheahan Sanford
Once upon a time...
Storytelling and history programs
History/Artifact-based Programs
History Programs
She Outranks Me: This one-woman presentation tells the story of Mary Ann Bickerdyke, a strong-willed nurse of the American Civil War from Galena, Illinois. (Ages 10 through adult/45-60 minutes)
Object-based Programs
Everyday/Yesterday: Participants will be introduced to objects (authentic and reproduction) that were part of everyday homes throughout American history. All the objects are touchable. (Ages 5 through adult/30-60 minutes)
A Sign of the Times: Objects are reflections of their place and time. After discussing what makes something an artifact, the participants will use various methods of observing objects to help them think like an anthropologist/historian. The group leader will choose the subject for the program from a variety of artifact types/sets when the program is reserved. (Ages 8 through adult/45-60 minutes)